posted by pepe85323 11-21-102 7:16 PM
Jalapeno Bread
6 cups flour
2 pkg dry yeast
2 cups scalded milk
3 Tbsp sugar
11/2 Tbsp salt
3 cups finely grated jalapeno cheese
In a small saucepan, scald the milk. Let the milk cool to warm to the touch, then add the yeast to proof.
After the yeast has been proofed, in a large bowl mix the milk, 5 cups of flour, the cheese add 2 of the 3 Tbsp of melted butter. Kneed the dough adding more flour a little at a time till the dough is stiff. Set the dough aside and let it rise till it has doubled in size.
Cut the dough in half and put each half in an 81/2x41/2 inch bread pan and let it rise till the bread has reached the top of the pan. Bake in an oven that has been preheated to 350o for 30 to 40 minutes. The bread is done when it sounds hollow when tapped on the bottom with your finger. Cool on a wire rack.