posted by Katie 12-28-98 9:04 AM
Glacé Fruit
from How To Dry Foods by Deanna DeLong
Left over fruit from drying fruit can be used as syrup
First Day:
2 cups water
2/3 c. sugar
1/2 c. light corn syrup
1 1/2 lbs. fruit
Heat to 180F on candy thermometer. Remove from
heat and cool.
Cover and let stand at room temp. 18-24 hrs.
Second Day:
Remove fruit from syrup with slotted spoon.
Add 1 1/4 c. sugar to syrup and bring to a boil.
Remove from heat and witha metal spoon, skim foam.
Add fruit to syrup and heat to 180F. Cool and let stand 18-24 hrs.
Third Day:
Repeat Day 2, but use 2 c. sugar.
Fourth Day:
Repeat Day 2, but use 1 c. sugar.
After standing time, remove fruit from syrup, rinse (in colander)
with cold water.
Dry at 120F-140F until fruit is leathery. Drying time will 1/4 that of
fresh fruit because so much moisture has been replaced by sugar.
The leftover syrup can be used on pancakes.