posted by Southern 08-26-98 8:07 PM
Chocolate Nemesis
Serves 10 to 12
10 eggs
3 cups sugar
1 cup water
1-1/2 lbs bittersweet chocolate, broken into small pieces
2 cups unsalted butter, softened
Preheat oven to 325 °F. Use waxed paper to line a 12-inch cake pan (2 inches deep), then grease and flour.
Beat eggs with 1 cup sugar until the volume quadruples (about 10 minutes, if using electric mixer).
In small saucepan, heat 2 cups sugar with 1 cup water until sugar completely dissolves into a syrup. Stir chocolate
and butter into the hot syrup. Remove from heat and let cool slightly.
Add warm syrup to eggs. Gently beat until completely combined (no more than 20 seconds). Pour into cake pan,then place cake pan in larger pan of hot water. (To ensure even baking, the water should come to the cake pan's rim.) Bake until set (about 30 minutes). Cool in pan before unmolding.
SOURCE MATERIAL: Rose Gray and Ruth Rogers, "Rogers Gray Italian Country Cook Book" (NY: Random House, 1995) Winner of Glenfiddich Award, Best Food Book of the Year.