posted by Pat T 12-02-98 4:39 AM
3-1/2 c. cake flour
1 level tsp. baking soda
1/2 c. buttermilk
4 eggs
2 c. sugar
1 c. butter
2 c. chopped pecans
8 oz. box chopped dates
1 lb. orange slice candy, chopped
Mix buttermilk with soda. Set aside. Take 1/2 cup flour, roll nuts, candy and dates in it. Cream butter and sugar.
Add 1 egg at a time. Add flour, little at a time. Add milk. Last add nuts, candy and dates. Pour into greased and
floured tube pan. Bake 2-1/2 to 3 hours in 250 degrees oven.
Topping For Orange Slice Cake:
1 c. orange juice
2 c. powdered sugar
Stir together when you put cake in oven. Continue to stir when cake is done. Stick full of holes with toothpick.
Pour topping over cake slowly while warm. Leave cake in pan overnight. Run knife around pan on outside. Turn into plate and leave to fall down. Do not force cake out.