Chefmom posted 03-09-99 12:21 PM
Chocolate Espresso Hazelnut Biscotti
2 cups Flour
2/3 cup Dutch-style cocoa
2 tsp Baking Powder
pinch salt
2 Tbsp Instant Espresso (or coffee)
4 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 1/4 cups Sugar
2 cups rough chopped toasted and skinned Hazelnuts
For an extra chocolatey biscotti, add 2 cups of semi-sweet chips with the nuts
In a medium bowl, sift the flour, cocoa, baking powder, salt and espresso powder. Stir and set aside.
In your mixing bowl, beat the eggs with the sugar until light colored, add the vanilla. Stir in the dry ingredients and fold in the nuts. I like to very rough chop the nuts so they are in big chunks when you slice the loaf and they how beautifully against the dark chocolate cookie.
Lay out a long piece of saran wrap and spoon 1/3 of the dough in the center, shape into a log and wrap. Freeze for
45 minutes. Repeat with the other two portions of the dough. Unwrap and bake on sheet pans, they spread quite a bit, so bake one per pan if you only have narrow pans, or two if you have full size 12x18 pans.
Bake at 350F until firm, about 20-30 minutes. The cracks will lose the moistness. Cool on the sheet pans about 30
minutes to make the handling easier. Carefully move to a cutting board and slice with a very sharp knife on an angle in 1/2-inch slices. Arrange cut-side up and bake 200F until dry and crisp.
This make approx. 3 dozen, depending on how large the logs are and how thick the slices are. Handle them very carefully because the warm logs will crack easily.