posted by Katie 09-13-98 4:26 PM
Recipe By : Randi/OR
Serving Size : 1 qt. Preparation Time :0:00
Categories : Homemade
Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
1 quart heavy cream
1/4 teaspoon tartaric acid
Pour cream into a Pyrex saucepan and fit over another pot, creating a bagnomaria (double boiler). Bring the cream to a temperature of 180 degress and remove from the heat.
Stir with a wooden spoon for 30 seconds and then remove the Pyrex from the bagnomaria and keep stirring for 2 minutes more.
Add the tartaric acid.
Line a basket with heavy cheesecloth and pour in the cream. Let the mascarpone stand for 12 hours in cool place or the lower level of your frig.
Cut four 9" squares of heavy cheesecloth. Open one on the table.
With a large spoon transfer 1/4 of the mascarpone to the center of the square. Fold one side on top and then fold over the other side, then fold over both ends. Put the package of mascarpone, folded side down, on a serving dish.
Prepare the remaining 3 squares in the same way.
You can purchase tartaric acid in health food stores, from cheesemaking suppliers and Caswell-Massey, in NYC
- 1212 620-0900. New England Cheesemaking supplies 1 413 628-3808. The heavy cream should be pasturized, but not "ultra pasturized". Ultra pasturized has "off" taste to it and can ruin a lot of dishes. The pasturized can be found in health food stores.