posted by Maree 06-27-101 10:35 AM
Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
(adapted from Willan, Anne, (1990) "The Reader's Digest: A Complete Guide to Cookery" The Reader's Digest Association, London.)
16 fl oz/500 ml milk
1 vanilla bean* (split and seeds scraped into milk)/ 1tsp vanilla essence
6-8 egg yolks
4 oz/ 125 gm caster sugar (fine sugar- not confectioner's sugar).
To add later: 8 fl oz/250 ml double cream, lightly whipped (pouring cream works fine).
Make the custard and chill until it is very cold (preferably overnight). Freeze in an ice cream churn or freezer until slushy. Add the whipped cream, making sure to combine thoroughly, and continue freezing until the mixture is firm.
Remove paddle from the churn. Pack ice cream into a chilled container, cover tightly and store in the freezer. If chilling more than 12 hrs, let the ice cream soften slightly in the refrigerator 30 mins before serving.
Frozen Plum Pudding: (serves 6).
(Adapted from Rogers, Sheridan, 1999, Eating In, [Sydney] "Sun-Herald's Sunday Life!" December).
60 g/2 oz mixed glace fruits (fig, apricot, pineapple), very finely chopped.
75 g/2.5 oz dried sour cherries / 75g dried
30 g/ 1 oz glace orange peel, finely sliced
25 g/ just under 1 oz glace ginger, finely chopped.
70 ml/ 2 tabs+ 2 teaspoons) marsala
75 gm/ 5 tablespoons roasted almonds (skin on).
1/4 teaspoon each of ground cinnamon, mixed spice and nutmeg (or wattleseed (Aussie "bush-tucker" spice)
*French vanilla ice cream (as above).
Method: (To make the day before or a day or so earlier)
Put the fruits, peel (if using) and ginger into a small bowl. Warm (don't boil) the masala/brandy/rum/o/j gently in a small pan and pour over the mixed fruits. Leave 2-3 hrs covered with cling film.
Remove the ice cream from the freezer half an hour before you are ready to continue. Add the toasted nuts and spices and mix well to combine. Put the softened ice cream into another bowl and beak it up gently. Fold through the fruit and nut mixture, making sure it is evenly distributed. Rinse out a mould (or 6 individual moulds) with water. Spoon the ice cream into the mould(s), cover tightly each with foil (to prevent crystals forming).
When ready to serve, dip each mould/ the mould quickly in warm water, turn upside down on serving plate and give a good shake to release. Serve with a raspberry or strawberry coulis/ sauce*.