posted by lake monster 03-01-103 8:01 AM
Shrimp Cocktail - 7/3/1998
3 small prawns
1/4 cantaloupe
1/4 red bell pepper
1 Tbl. diced red onion
1/8 tsp. cumin
2 sprigs cilantro
1/2 avocado
uice of 1 lime
Pinch of kosher salt
Pinch of black pepper
Cook prawns in hot water until they turn pink (about 15 seconds.) Chill in cool water, remove shells and chop.
Dice cantaloupe, red bell pepper, red onion and avocado. Add cilantro, salt, pepper and lime juice. Add cumin and mix well. Serves 1.
Recipe from Emily Mabus, Jitterbug Restaurant