Portabello Mushroom Sesame
Terrytx posted 05-13-98
Portabella Mushroom Sesame
Categories : Low Fat Outdoor Cooking
4 large portabella mushrooms
2 tbl. sweet rice wine
2 tbl. reduced-sodium soy sauce
2 cloves garlic -- minced
1 tsp. sesame oil
Remove stems from mushrooms and set caps aside. Combine remaining ingred.
in a small bowl.
Brush both sides of mushrooms with soy mixture. Grill mushrooms top-side
up on covered grill over med. coals 3-4 min. Brush tops with soy mixture
and turn over; grill 2 min. more or until mushrooms are lightly browned.
Turn again and grill, basting frequently, 4-5 min. or till tender when
pressed with the back of spatula. Remove and cut diagonally into 1/2"
thick slices.
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