posted by Lisa UK 01-26-100 3:01 PM
Butterscotch Tart
200g/7 oz plain flour
100g/3 1/2 oz. butter
1 (5 oz) can evaporated milk, chilled
175g/6 oz light muscovado sugar (must be raw cane sugar)
icing sugar and cocoa powder for dusting
single cream to serve
Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6.
Tip the flour into a mixing bowl, add the butter and chop it up into the flour with a knife and fork.
When the butter is in small pieces, rub into the flour until the mixture looks like a pale yellow crumble.
Shake the bowl and rub in any lumps that rise to the surface.
Mix 2-3 tbs. cold water into the crumble mix with a round bladed knife until it starts to cling together. Pinch the pastry together with your fingers then wipe the ball of dough round the bowl to pick up any crumbs.
Knead the dough gently until it is as smooth as you can get it. Roll out into a 25cm circle then line a 20cm/8 in flan tin. Press gently into the sides of the tin, allowing the excess to flop over the edge.
Line with greaseproof paper and baking beans and bake blind for 20 minutes.
Remove the paper and beans.
Whisk together the evaporated milk and sugar. After 5 minutes the mix should be thickened and pale.
Pour into the pastry case and return to the oven for 10 minutes.
Allow the tart to cool in the tin. .
Serve with cream. Ice cream is better though.
This is SO sweet......but real gooey.