posted by Polar Bear 07-05-101 1:09 PM
Buffalo Chicken Sauce
1 large marinated pimento or red pepper (roasted and peeled)
1/4 c packing liquid
1/2 t salt
(or 1 large plain roasted and peeled pimento or red bell pepper, 1/4 cup red wine vinegar and 1/2 t salt)
1 to 4 T Durkee, Tabasco or othe Louisana-style chile sauce
4 T softened butter
4 stalks celery, halved and cut in 4-inch lengths
3/4 c blue cheese dressing
Seed marinated pimento or red bell pepper (roasted and peeled); puree with packing liquid and salt in blender. (Or use 1 lg plain roasted and peeled pimento or red bell pepper, 1/4 c red wine vinegar and 1/2 t salt.) Add chile sauce (to taste) and softened butter; puree. Serve with celery and blue cheese dressing.