posted by hilltop 01-09-100 8:26 PM
Hilltop's Mushroom Mess
1 medium size basket mushrooms, chopped
1 (8 oz.) Philly cream cheese
1 onion, chopped
1 tbls. garlic
1 tbls. olive oil
1 tbls. each- salt, pepper, parsley flakes and
any other seasoning you want to throw in.
2 slices toast
Saute mushrooms and onions in olive oil over medium heat. Add garlic, saute another minute. Add spices and cream cheese. Stir until melted through.
Take the two slices of toast and rub them together over the skillet. You may then spray on some Pam on the top if you wish. Run under the salamander or broiler until golden. Serve with crackers, Trisquits, crudities, anything you want.