Mimi's Cyber Kitchen Presents

Food Links

a.k.a. Fonds de Cuisine Steve K. Holzinger puts together a document about this holiday, along with several recipes.

Chanukah.com Story, blessings, recipes, history

The Cookie Garden offers Hanukkah gift packages

Don Tolin's Happy Chanukah Page  has history, tradition, songs, recipes, prayers, etc.

Everything you wanted to know about latkes  including how to make them

Hanukkah Nut Cake with Honey Syrup recipe

Hanukkah Recipes from Boulder Public Library (latkes and doughnuts)
JCN Hanukkah Pages include recipes, history, spin an animated dreidel, the how-to-celebrate-the-holiday section, Hanukkah "carols," and links. Also known as The International House of Latkes.

Jewish Family  Hanukkah recipes

Maven Index of Jewish Recipes (Hanukkah, et al)

Pillsbury Hanukkah Recipes

Potato Latkes for Hanukkah

Sufganiot recipe Also known as jelly doughnuts

Winter Web Wonderland Hanukkah recipes

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All data, logos, text contained on any portion of Mimi's Cyber Kitchen copyright 1995, 1996, 1997 Mimi Hiller, JB Hiller, Jennifer Hiller. No portions of this website may be used without express written permission of the authors.