In "Jewish Cookery," Florence Greenberg, who used to be the food columnist for the Jewish Chronicle, published in London, instructs that hamantaschen should be made with kuchen dough.

Kuchen Dough

Cream yeast with a teaspoonful of the sugar. Melt the margarine in the milk and when just _lukewarm_ pour it onto the creamed yeast.

Sift flour and salt into a _warm_ bowl, make a well in the center and pour in the yeast mixture. Gradually work in the flour from the sides and knead to a smooth dough; cover and leave in a warm place to rise 1-1/2 to 2 hours. Then add sugar and beaten egg and knead thoroughly. Roll out and use as required.

For hamentaschen, roll out the dough to 1/4 inch thick, cut into 4-inch rounds, and brush edges with melted margarine or oil. Spread with desired filling and fold edges to form three-cornered cakes. Brush the top with warm honey, [I'd go with egg wash] leave in a warm place to rise till bulk is doubled, then bake in a moderately hot oven (400 F) till golden brown.

Using this kind of a dough, it could be easy and fun to make some plate-size ones, particularly if you have some little kids to dazzle.