Recipe By : Nadav Safran Serving Size : 6 Categories : Kosher/Meat Passover Veal
Saute the meat in oil, leaving a few tablespoons of oil for later use with the artichokes. Add salt, pepper, turmeric, cumin and parsley. When the meat is brown, lower flame and add 1/3 c water. Cover and simmer over a low flame, 1 hour.
Meanwhile, place the artichoke hearts in 1/2 c water with the remaining 3 tbsp oil, the garlic, salt and the remaining lemon, quartered. Bring to a boil and reduce flame. Simmer, covered, 10-15 minutes, until tender but not soft. Add the artichokes and their liquid to the meat. Cover and let stew another 30 min. Serve with Syrian stuffed prunes and rice.
NOTES : From _The Jewish Holiday Kitchen_ by Joan Nathan. Schocken
Books, New York: 1988.