Cake: Lamingtons

posted by Angel 10-30-100 4:13 PM


1 cup butter
1 cup caster sugar
4 eggs -- beaten
2 cups self raising flour

Preheat oven to 180°C (350°F). Grease a slab cake pan or line with non-stick cooking paper.

Cream butter and sugar, gradually add eggs and mix well. Add flour alternately, about 1/3 at a time; stir gently and thoroughly. Place batter in pan, and bake for 1 – 11/4 hours, decreasing temp to 160°C (325°F) during cooking. Place on a wire rack to cool.

2 cups icing sugar
2 Tbsp. cocoa
1 Tbsp. boiling water
1 Tbsp. vanilla

Sift icing sugar and into an bowl. Add boiling water and vanilla to cocoa and stir into icing sugar; beat well.

Cut cooled cake into 24 blocks. Ice on all sides and roll in 1 1/2 cups coconut. Allow to dry on wire rack.

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