Glass: Sugar Glass

posted by mikeb 01-03-101 12:57 PM

Sugar Glass
The recipe for sugar breakaway glass

Cooking pot
Stove Top
Candy Thermometer
2 cups Water
1 cup White Corn Syrup (Karo)
3 1/2 cups Sugar
1/4 tsp. Cream of Tartar

Mix the water, corn syrup, sugar and tartar together in the pot and bring it to a boil on the stove (at about 220 F). Leave it boiling until it reaches 300 F, which will take about 45 minutes. The mixture should be thick, with almost all the water boiled off.

As soon as it hits 300 F, pour it into whatever mold you're using and let it cool.

Sugar glass doesn't last long (warps or goes sticky) so make it close to the time when you plan to use it.

Keep it out of moist areas and direct sun. The same as a lolipop it will melt or go gooey.

The sugar can attract ants and other bugs so keep it packaged in plastic, etc. until you use it.

Though only sugar, the glass can have sharp edges/points when broken, so be careful when handling.

For more information on breakaway glass, molding, and casting of other kinds, we recommend this book:

The Prop Builder's Molding & Casting Handbook by Thurston James ISBN 1-55870-128-1

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