Yogurt Homemade Yogurt

posted by Liz Thomas 01-01-100 6:56 PM

Homemade Yogurt

1 pint full cream milk*
4 teaspoons live yoghurt (a carton from the supermarket)

Heat a pint of full cream milk to blood temperature. Add about 4 teaspoons of good quality live yoghurt, just buy a carton at the supermarket, and stir it in well. Pour into a pot, put on the lid and then wrap the pot in thick towel or blanket to keep it warm.

Place in a warm place -- like an airing cupboard -- and leave overnight. For successive batches just use a few spoonsful of the last batch as a starter. It makes a fairly soft yoghurt.

You can add fruit to flavour it as you like.

*You can make it with low fat milk too but it's not so tasty.

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