posted by Janie 07-17-99 5:45 PM
Apricot Jam
1kg (2 lbs) Apricots
2 cups water
Choose firm fruit which is a little underripe and free of blemishes. Cut away any bruised areas.
Wash fruit, cut into halves and remove stones. Add water.
Place into microwave-proof bowl with high sides. Cover and cook on high until soft and pulpy.
Remove from oven and measure fruit pulp. If fruit pulp has cooled, reheat. Stir in required amount of sugar:
3+3/4 cups sugar to 5 cups fruit pulp
4+1/2 ............. 6 ...............
5+1/4 ............. 7 ...............
6 ............. 8 ...............
Make sure the sugar has dissolved.
Return to microwave, uncovered, and cook on high for 20 minutes. Test for setting point.
Cook on high for 5 minute intervals until setting point has been reached. Fill clean warm steriliZed jars.