posted by Connie 11-30-99 8:25 PM
Honey Baked Ham
1 (7 lb.) med. smoked pork picnic shoulder (bone in or out)
2 cups sugar
1 cup honey or brown sugar, packed
1 (6 oz.) can frozen orange juice concentrate, thawed
1 tsp. whole cloves
Make crosswise slits, 1/2 inch apart, halfway through ham to where knife touches bone. Place ham in deep bowl and barely cover with water. Stir in sugar. Soak at least 2 days in refrigerator.
Drain. Place ham in roasting pan, lined with enough foil to wrap completely. Pour honey or brown sugar and orange juice all over pork. Stick cloves all over meat. Wrap tightly with foil. Bake at 200 degrees for 6 to 7 hours or until done.