Lamb: Leg of Lamb

posted by ramon 01-14-102 3:36 AM

Leg of Lamb

1 leg of lamb
salt, pepper, rosemary and sage, to taste
1 cup stock, or more
2 bay leaves

Rub the leg with salt, pepper, rosemary and sage. Cut potatoes in slices and cover with several layers the bottom of an oven dish. Add stock, enough to reach half potatoes height, salt and pepper, 2 bay leaves, and on top put the whole leg of lamb, bone and all. If it is still there, cut the end joint (the very end of the leg).

Heat oven to 400 and put the dish in, leaving about 20 minutes per kilo. Don't reduce heat. After alloted time, or when inside temperature is 160, take out from oven and let rest for 15 minutes. Carve and serve.
The fat and juices that drip give the potatoes a particular flavor, and you need nothing additional to serve.

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