Lamb: Roast Leg of Lamb by marleah

posted by marleah 12-28-102 6:12 PM

Roast Leg of Lamb

1 leg of lamb
1 T baking soda
5 T flour
1 t salt
1 t paprika
1 C black coffee
1 C beef bouillion
3 small onions, sliced

Rub lamb with baking soda, let stand for 10 minutes. Wash thoroughly. Sprinkle lamb with flour, salt, and paprika. Roast meat for 30 minutes at 450 degrees.
Pour the coffee over the lamb and cook 10 more minutes.
Pour bouillion over lamb and place onions in pan. Turn oven down to 300 and cook 20 minutes for each pound, basting occasionally. Make gravy from drippings.

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