Pickles: Sweet Pickles

posted by Lynnabeth 07-08-102 8:57 AM

Sweet Pickles

Whole pickling cukes
1 kilogram skinned pearl onions
1 head cauliflower, chopped into bite-sized pieces
8 cups of sugar
2 tsp. pickling spice
3 tsp. salt
4 cups of vinegar

Early in the morning on day one place whole pickling cukes in a very large pot and cover with boiling water.
On day two drain the cukes and pour more boiling water over to cover. Repeat this process for 4 days.

On the fifth day you drain and slice the cukes. Add to the pot skinned pearl onions, cauliflower. (I like cauliflower and onions but you may just want to do all cukes.)

In a separate pot combine sugar, pickling spice, salt and vinegar. Bring to a boil, stirring to dissolve the sugar and then pour over the sliced cukes. Let stand two days stirring often.

On the third day place the pickles in jars, re-boil the syrup, pour over the cukes and seal.

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