Potato: Pleated Potatoes

posted by Sue Freeman 04-10-100 8:19 AM

Pleated Potatoes

1 baking potato
fat free Italian dressing
Parmesean Cheese
Salt and pepper to taste

Wash the potato well and dry. Spray with non stick spray. Starting at one end of the potato slice down through the potato every 1/4 inch to the bottom..being careful not to cut entirely through. Do this across the potato. It will look like an accodian when it is baked.

Baste with fat free dressing and wrap in foil. Bake for 15 minutes. Unwrap and baste with dressing again. Cover again and bake for another 15 minutes. Baste again. Continue until potato is done. The last 15 minutes you bake the potato leave it uncovered and sprinkle with parmesean cheese.

You can also sprinkle it with fresh parsley flakes if you want to dress it up more.

This is great on the grill in the summer too. Just baste often so it gets that taste of italian dressing. It is pretty good.

Or if you want I sometimes just cut the potato wedges and sprinkle fat free Italian dressing on it and bake it that way, uncovered.

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