posted by Lisa UK 05-15-100 11:52 AM
Omigosh--Vegan Liver and Onions
1 (14 oz.) can Cedar Lake Seitan (they call them chops) (Cedar Lake-MGM Foods--Cedar Lake, MI 48812)
You can substitute any other form of Seitan, or even home made--but the Cedar Lake "Chops" are perfect
1 whole large onion-chopped
3 cloves fresh garlic-chopped
1 cup sour kraut, partially drained, or not drained
Dixie Diner's Zinfandel seasoning (optional)
Saute onions and sour kraut in a non-stick pan. Spraying the pan with oil should be unnecessary, just keep the heat low or medium, and keep the pan covered. After the onions start to soften, just add everything else, and put on lots of paprika. Stir frequently to keep it from adhering to the bottom of the pan.